Italy’s Minister of Health, on 30 May 2022,1 published a press release about the latest updates about coronavirus restrictions and related public health measures currently in force in Italy. 

The Italian authorities have decided to not extend beyond 31 May 2022, the current restrictions in place2 for arrivals from European Union (EU) and non-EU countries, so green passes will no longer be required after that date.

Some limited containment measures, specifically the wearing of FFP2 masks on transportation remain in place in Italy, until 15 June 20223.

(For prior coverage of coronavirus measures for travel into/out of/ within Italy, see GMS Flash Alert 2021-314, 21 December 2021.)


Italian travel restrictions have been largely in place since March 2020.  Such restrictions have considerable impact on globally-mobile employees between Italy and the rest of the world.  The changes announced in the press release will bring relief to employees and their family members as they travel into/out of/ within Italy. 

However, staying apprised of the remaining restrictions and public health mitigation measures remains important as travellers will still need to comply with certain rules to be able to enter and move around the country.

Stop to COVID-19 Restrictions and Most Public Health Mitigation for EU and Non-EU Countries

Starting from 1 June 2022, a Green Pass or equivalent certificate is no longer needed to enter Italy for travellers arriving from EU and Non-EU countries. 

Until 15 June, wearing an FFP2 mask remains mandatory in the following cases:

1       aircraft used for commercial passenger transport services;

2       ships and ferries engaged in interregional transport services; and

3       trains used in interregional, Intercity, Intercity Night and High Speed passenger rail transport services;

4       buses and coaches engaged in passenger transport services, of an undifferentiated nature, operated on a continuous or periodic basis by road on routes linking more than two regions and having fixed routes, timetables, frequencies, and prices;

5       buses used for rental services with drivers;

6       vehicles used in local or regional public transport services;

7       means of school transport dedicated to primary, lower secondary, and upper secondary school students;

8       for shows open to the public that take place indoors in theatres, concert halls, cinemas, entertainment and live music venues, and other assimilated premises, as well as for sports events and competitions that take place indoors.

In addition, it is mandatory for workers, users and visitors of health, social, and health-care facilities to wear respiratory protection devices.

It continues to be recommended to wear respiratory protective equipment in all indoor public places or places open to the public.

The following are exempt from the requirement of wearing respiratory protective devices:

1       children under six years of age;

2       people with pathologies or disabilities that are incompatible with the use of the masks, as well as people who have to communicate with a disabled person in such a way that they cannot use a mask;

3       people who are doing sports.


1  Ministero della Salute Comunicato n. 28 del 30 maggio 2022. For the text (in Italian), see: .

Ministero della Salute Ordinanza del 28 aprile 2022 (GU Serie Generale n.100 del 30-04-2022). For the text (in Italian), see: .

Ministero della Salute Ordinanza del 28 aprile 2022 (GU Serie Generale n.100 del 3  30-04-2022). For the text (in Italian), see: .

* Please note the KPMG International member firm in the United States does not provide immigration or labour law services. However, KPMG Law LLP in Canada can assist clients with U.S. immigration matters.


The information contained in this newsletter was submitted by the KPMG International member firm in Italy.


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