Chile – COVID-19: Sanitary Measures Announced for Individuals Who Travel

Chile–Sanitary Measures Announced for Indv Who Travel

Chile has put in place new sanitary/health protocols for individuals who undertake travel that took effect with the reopening of the Santiago International Airport border that apply for tourists and business travelers. This includes such things as completing a Sworn Health Statement, having appropriate health insurance, and obtaining a negative SARS-COV-2 test.




As a follow up to our GMS Flash Alert 2020-458 (November 13, 2020), Chile’s government announced on November 20 the country’s new sanitary/health protocols1 for individuals who undertake travel that took effect with the reopening of the Santiago International Airport border at 00.00 hrs., on November 23, 2020, for tourists and business travelers.


visas to enter the country; this, after a border lockdown which has been in effect since March 18, 2020.2

The publication of the new sanitary/health protocols should bring more certainty for companies and their assignees regarding their obligations as travelers and is intended to provide a window of opportunity to travel to different Chilean regions within 24 hours of their arrival. 

The protocols might also motivate companies to plan ahead and cover additional travel expenses for their employees, considering the obligation to take a PCR test for SARS COV-2, the obligation to provide/carry special medical insurance, and the requirement to procure accommodations to facilitate mandatory quarantine when necessary.

More Details

All travelers must complete a Sworn Health Statement that can be filled out using the following link: Individuals need to complete the Sworn Health Statement within 48 hours before boarding their flights.

Foreign nationals with tourist status must produce a negative SARS-COV-2 test within a 72-hour maximum validity period before boarding.  

Additionally, these travelers will also be required to have health insurance that provides health coverage for all COVID-19-related medical services during their stay in Chile; especially for emergency medical assistance, emergency hospital treatment, and repatriation purposes, either for medical reasons or death.  This insurance must have a USD 30,000 (thirty thousand United States dollars) minimum coverage.

Both documents, the negative PCR Test and health insurance, must be attached to the Sworn Health Statement. Chilean nationals and foreign nationals with regular temporary or permanent residency status do not have the obligation to present these documents to enter the country.

All travelers, regardless of nationality, immigration status, or final destination in the country, will be forced to undergo a 14-day quarantine and will have to submit themselves to a government monitoring program during this period, according to which they will have to report their symptoms and location to the authorities on a daily basis by means of a special form that will be sent to them to their personal emails.

Chilean nationals and foreign nationals with regular temporary or permanent residency status can be exempted from undergoing the mandatory quarantine upon submitting a negative PCR test within the 72-hour period before boarding or after their arrival, for which they will be authorized to break quarantine for one time only, with the purpose of testing for COVID-19.

Regardless of the PCR test, travelers with a different point of entry (e.g. coming into a different region) as their final Chilean destination will be allowed to continue their journey within 24 hours from the time of their arrival into Chile.

Lastly, between November 23 and December 7, tourists originating from a country that has a “Community Transmission” certified status by the World Health Organization (WHO) will be required to observe a 14-day mandatory quarantine in their place of residence in Chile, regardless of their PCR test result.

This measure is a continuance of the Paso a Paso Plan3 implemented by the Chilean government with the aim of protecting the Chilean population by controlling and preventing further spread of COVID-19.


1  See the official government decree (in Spanish) published in Chile’s Diario Oficial.

2  See the official government decree (in Spanish) published in the Chile’s Diario Oficial.

3  See the government’s Paso a Paso Plan’s website (in Spanish).

*  Please note that KPMG LLP (U.S.) does not provide any labor law or immigration services.  However, KPMG Law LLP in Canada can assist clients with U.S. immigration matters.


The information contained in this newsletter was submitted by the KPMG International member firm in Chile.


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© 2025 KPMG Auditores Consultores Limitada, una sociedad chilena de responsabilidad limitada, y KPMG Servicios Chile SpA, una sociedad chilena por acciones, ambas firmas miembro de la organización global de firmas miembro de KPMG afiliadas a KPMG International Limited, una compañía privada inglesa limitada por garantía (company limited by guaranty). Todos los derechos reservados.

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