Cambodia – COVID-19: Entry Requirements for Foreign Travelers Revised
Cambodia – Entry Reqs. for Foreign Travelers Revised
Cambodia adjusted its safety protocols to take into account employer-sponsored business travel. The revised requirements affect all foreign travelers entering the country, including documentation, testing and quarantining measures, and took effect 4 August. The health authorities also made changes to the COVID-19 testing fee payment mechanism and return of traveler deposits, which changes were effective 1 September.
In August, the Ministry of Health (“MoH”) in Cambodia announced revisions to the requirements for foreign travelers entering the country.1 The revisions went into effect 4 August.
The various COVID-19 containment measures have had a profound impact on both professional and personal travel. Companies can now start to slowly resume their international travel plans and prepare for upcoming business travel and assignments.
Cambodia has adjusted its safety protocols to take into account employer-sponsored business travel. The revised requirements affect all foreign travelers entering the country, and include documentation, testing and quarantining measures, which will mean longer immigration wait times and business disruptions.
Requirements for Foreign Travelers
I. Foreign travelers who are investors, business-persons, company staff, experts, skilled workers, technicians and family members, who are sponsored by their employers
II. Foreign travelers who are investors, business-persons, company staff, experts, skilled works, technicians and family members, who have been invited but not sponsored
III. Foreign travelers who are investors, business-persons, company staff, experts, skilled workers, technicians and family members, without either sponsorship or invitation, and other regular foreign travelers
These revised requirements became effective 4 August 2020.
Other Travel Announcements
In separate announcements,2 the Cambodian government temporarily suspended flights from:
— Malaysia and Indonesia from 1 August 2020;
— the Philippines from 13 August 2020.
On 31 August 2020, the MoH issued a further notification on the COVID-19 testing fee payment mechanism and return of traveler deposits.3
— All foreign travelers shall pay US$100 for each COVID-19 test, on the first day of arrival in Cambodia and again on the 13th day of being in Cambodia. This amount will be deducted from their bank deposit (see Technical Update (July 2020): ”Travel and Immigration – Entry Requirements and Quarantine Measures in Response to the Spread of the COVID-19 Pandemic,” a publication of the KPMG International member firm in Cambodia).
— The MoH will return the balance of the bank deposit within three days of the second COVID-19 test showing a negative result.
This testing fee payment and return of deposit measures are effective 1 September 2020.
1 See MoH Announcement, “Revision of Entry Requirements for Foreign Travelers to Cambodia,” 4 August 2020.
2 See MoH Announcement, “Temporary Suspension of Flights from Malaysia and Indonesia,” 25 July 2020; MoH Announcement, “Temporary Suspension of Flights from the Philippines,” 11 August 2020.
3 See MoH Announcement, “COVID-19 testing fee payment mechanism and return of traveler deposits,” 31 August 2020.
For the full report, see “Revision of Entry Requirements for Foreign Travelers to Cambodia” (September 2020) in Technical Update, a publication of the KPMG International member firm in Cambodia.
* Please note that KPMG LLP (U.S.) does not provide any immigration services or legal services. However, KPMG Law LLP in Canada can assist clients with U.S. immigration matters.
The information contained in this newsletter was submitted by the KPMG International member firm in Cambodia.
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