Canada – COVID-19: CRA Further Extends Travel Restrictions Tax-Related Relief

Canada–Tax Authority Extends Relief due to Travel Restr

Payment due dates for 2019 individual tax returns and certain other returns, as well as for instalment payments which had been set at September 1, 2020, have been further extended by Canada’s tax authority to September 30, 2020. Coronavirus-related travel restrictions may not affect the tax residency of a nonresident individual, or the ability of a cross-border employee to qualify for treaty benefits on employment income. Taxpayers whose “over-stay” situation due to the coronavirus pandemic persists past September 30 are advised to contact the tax authority.




Multinational entities and individuals can continue to rely on the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) relief for cross-border tax issues caused by travel restrictions until September 30, 2020. (For related coverage, see GMS Flash Alert 2020-335, July 30, 2020.) 

The CRA says it does not anticipate further extensions of the guidance, and taxpayers whose situation persists past September 30 are advised to contact the CRA.

Payment due dates for 2019 individual tax returns and 2019 or 2020 corporation or trust returns, as well as for instalment payments which had been set at September 1, 2020, have been further extended to September 30, 2020. 


This new guidance should relieve any anxiety taxpayers in Canada may have felt about impending deadlines and due dates and their residency status in light of their extended stays in Canada (and for Canadians overseas) due to COVID-19-related restrictions.

This guidance also clarifies that these travel restrictions may not affect the tax residency of a nonresident individual, or the ability of a cross-border employee to qualify for treaty benefits on employment income.

In addition, the CRA’s guidance provides administrative relief to reflect its processing delays regarding certain withholding tax waiver requests and Section 116 Certificates.


Previously, the CRA indicated that its guidance would only apply from March 16, 2020 to August 31, 2020, but that it was prepared to extend its relief measures where needed.


This article is excerpted from “CRA Further Extends Travel Restrictions Relief,” in TaxNewsFlash-Canada (no. 2020-70, September 1, 2020), a publication of the KPMG International member firm in Canada.

The information contained in this newsletter was submitted by the KPMG International member firm in Canada.


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