COVID-19 through the looking glass

COVID-19 through the looking glass

Success under ‘new normal’ will be defined by actions taken to chart the course for your business longer term, be done not only survive but thrive.


With the global economic impact likely to run well into the trillions, there is no doubt that the COVID-19 crisis will precipitate a long term change in how we do business. The challenge today is preparing your business for this ‘new normal’.

As the global impacts of the COVID-19 crisis continue to grow, it is becoming evident that this tragedy will truly reshape the world in which we live. As countries around the world find themselves in different stages of managing the crisis, there is a unifying trend in the enormous impact being felt across all sectors of the economy.

With over 2.5 billion people in some form of lockdown and many others dramatically adjusting their lives to reduce risk, the way in which we live, work and play has undergone a complete transformation almost overnight.

Unlike other recent global events whether economic, social or political, COVID-19 is not isolated to a particularly geography, economic sector or social stratum. It is presenting a truly unprecedented challenge to government, business and broader society alike.

The core challenge for business leaders today is charting a path forward in this unprecedented environment. It is time to chart a course for the new normal.


  1. Preparing for the new normal
  2. Charting a course for your business
  3. Outside in - external factors
  4. Inside out - internal pressures
  5. Business functions reimagined
  6. The optimal strategy response
  7. Key questions to prepare your business
  8. Supporting your business
  9. 5 reasons to work with KPMG

© 2025 KPMG AZSA LLC, a limited liability audit corporation incorporated under the Japanese Certified Public Accountants Law and a member firm of the KPMG global organization of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved. © 2025 KPMG Tax Corporation, a tax corporation incorporated under the Japanese CPTA Law and a member firm of the KPMG global organization of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved. 

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