United States – July 2020 Visa Bulletin Released
United States – July 2020 Visa Bulletin Released
The Department of State has released its July 2020 Visa Bulletin with cutoff dates cut-off dates for employment-based and family-sponsored preference categories. The USCIS next month will accept Forms I-485 for employment-based applicants and persons sponsored in the F2A family-sponsored preference category according to the Visa Bulletin’s Final Action Dates chart.
The Department of State has published the July 2020 Visa Bulletin with the latest cut-off dates for employment-based and family-sponsored preference categories.1
Next month, United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) will accept Forms I-485, Applications to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status, for employment-based applicants and persons sponsored in the F2A family-sponsored preference category according to the Visa Bulletin’s Final Action Dates chart.2 USCIS will accept Forms I-485 for applicants in all other family-sponsored preference categories using the Visa Bulletin’s Dates for Filing chart.
Each month, the State Department releases a Visa Bulletin indicating the availability of statutorily-limited visas for prospective immigrants.3 The cut-off dates reflected in the Visa Bulletin, coupled with USCIS’ confirmation of which chart will apply, dictate eligibility to file a Form I-485 in a given month. In addition, the Final Action Dates chart in the applicable Visa Bulletin determines whether pending Forms I-485 may be approved.
Employment-Based Preference Categories
In July, 2020, USCIS will accept and approve Forms I-485 for employment-based applicants under the Visa Bulletin’s Final Action Dates chart. The cut-off dates for employment-based immigrant visas will be as follows:
• EB-1: All countries of chargeability except India and the People’s Republic of China (“China”) will remain current. India will advance significantly by eleven months to May 8, 2017. China will advance by a week to August 22, 2017.
• EB-2: All countries of chargeability except India and China will remain current. China will advance by one week to November 8, 2015, and India will advance by nearly a month to July 8, 2009.
In July, 2020, USCIS will accept and approve Forms I-485 for employment-based applicants under the Visa Bulletin’s Final Action Dates chart. The cut-off dates for employment-based immigrant visas will be as follows:
• EB-1: All countries of chargeability except India and the People’s Republic of China (“China”) will remain current. India will advance significantly by eleven months to May 8, 2017. China will advance by a week to August 22, 2017.
• EB-2: All countries of chargeability except India and China will remain current. China will advance by one week to November 8, 2015, and India will advance by nearly a month to July 8, 2009.
Family-Sponsored Preference Categories
USCIS will continue to accept Forms I-485 in all family-sponsored preference categories except the F2A preference category under the Visa Bulletin’s Dates for Filing chart. In July 2020, the cut-off dates for the filing of family-sponsored adjustment of status applications will be as follows:
• F1: All countries except Mexico and the Philippines will advance by two months to April 22, 2015. Mexico will advance by just under three weeks to January 8, 2000, and the Philippines’ will advance by five months to February 8, 2012.
• F2A: All countries of chargeability will remain current under the Final Action Date chart.
• F2B: All countries except Mexico and the Philippines will advance by two months to February 1, 2016. Mexico will advance by three weeks to October 15, 1999, and the Philippines will advance by three months to August 1, 2011.
• F3: All countries except Mexico and the Philippines will advance by a month to April 15, 2009. Mexico will remain at July 15, 2000, and the Philippines will advance by five months and one week to April 22, 2002.
• F4: All countries except India, Mexico and the Philippines will advance by two weeks to August 15, 2007. India will advance by three weeks to October 22, 2005; Mexico will advance by a month to March 8, 1999; and the Philippines will advance by four months and one week to January 8, 2002.
Our office, KPMG Law LLP in Canada, monitors Visa Bulletins closely. We will endeavor to keep readers of GMS Flash Alert posted on any important developments as and when they occur.
1 July 2020 Visa Bulletin on the U.S. Department of State website.
2 See the “Adjustment of Status Filing Charts from the Visa Bulletin” page on the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services website.
3 For our prior coverage of the May 2020 Bulletin, see GMS Flash Alert 2020-205, April 28, 2020.
* Please note that KPMG LLP (U.S.) does not provide any immigration services or legal services. However, KPMG Law LLP in Canada can assist clients with U.S. immigration matters.
The information contained in this newsletter was submitted by the KPMG International member firm in Canada.
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