Italy – Lockdown Extended to 3 May, Options for Travel into/out of Country

Italy – Lockdown Extended, Options for Travel

Due to the persistent presence of COVID-19 in Italy, the government extended the emergency lockdown for a further three weeks. The new end date for the lockdown is now set at 3 May. This GMS Flash Alert re-caps the many policies and requirements in Italy pertaining to travel into and out of the country, work, and freedom of movement, etc.



Flash Alert 2020-178

Due to the persistent presence of COVID-19 in Italy, the government extended the emergency lockdown for a further three weeks.1  The new end date for the lockdown is now set at 3 May.

No significant changes have been introduced in respect of the previous Decree-Laws.  Most of the country’s commercial and productive activities remain closed (only remote working is allowed for non-essential activities) and public offices’ and agencies’ personnel may continue to work in their back-offices – keeping the work of government going – but only when possible and authorised/permitted.


The most recent measures have not increased the level of protection afforded to Italy’s population, but instead confirm the necessity of continuing social distancing and staying home as much as possible.

Travel to Italy remains restricted.  Essentially, only Italian citizens or permanent residents may enter the country if they have a very good reason to do so.

Companies with international assignees should be prepared to adjust expectations as well as work practices and business operations to accommodate the extended lockdown.  Extensive remote working continues being the “best practice” for employees and is a way for employers to foster the safety of their employees and help ensure business continuity.  

General Lockdown Extended until 3 May

Re-Cap of Policies in Place

Ongoing Provisions and Bans 

  • Going out of one’s residence (house, apartment, etc.) is only allowed for provable urgent needs (essential work, buying food, or going to pharmacies) which may be verified by the police in case of checks.
  • It is forbidden to go out from the municipality where you have been spending the lockdown period.  Based on health-related needs or urgent work-related matters, it may be possible to move about outside your home or locality.  These situations must be self-certified via a dedicated form in case of checks from the police and various authorities.
  • It is forbidden to go out if your body temperature is higher than 37.5°C.
  • It is not possible to go out if you have been obliged to undergo a quarantine period.
  • Any kind of gatherings in either public or private places is forbidden.
  • All commercial activities have been suspended, except for essential services including food distribution.
  • Personnel working in public-sector offices and agencies, as well as workers in the private sector, are highly encouraged to work from home.  Consequently meetings, appointments, and anything that entails access to their place of work, are not allowed, except in very limited circumstances.

Entering, Leaving, and Transiting in Italy2


Italian Citizens and Permanent Residents Returning to Italy from Abroad 

  • Travelers shall provide the airline with a specific self-certification of the trip proving the urgent, well-detailed, and justified reasons for returning to Italy, an address where they are going, and a phone number where they can be reached.  Such documents and the details contained therein will be verified.
  • When boarding a plane, a passenger’s body temperature will be measured, and his or her suitability to travel will be verified through appropriate checks.
  • Travelers must carry a proper self-certification form that clearly indicates the address where they are going to spend the 14 day quarantine, as well as a phone number where they can be reached.
  • The traveler may not reach his or her destination address indicated on the self-certification by using public transportation; only taxis or rental cars with a driver are allowed to be used.  Travelers can be picked up from the airport.  In the latter scenario, only one person (partner or co-habitant) can travel to the airport with a self-certification showing the route taken to pick up the traveler, and that person must use personal protective equipment.
  • All travelers coming to Italy must notify in advance the competent local health authority of the address where they will be undertaking quarantine.

Quarantine for Those Arriving in Italy

  • Quarantine is mandatory for all people arriving in Italy, regardless of the means of transport taken (aircraft, boat, car, train).  Quarantine can be postponed for no longer than 72 hours after arrival.
  • If the repatriated traveler does not have a place to spend the quarantine period, or cannot reach it, the Civil Protection department will find a suitable place, charging the cost to the recipient of the service.
  • The repatriated person must inform the competent local health authority in advance of where he or she will be staying during quarantine.
  • A new quarantine can take place at a different address, but additional information must be obtained and shown in case of checks Communication of the change of address must be made to the health authorities. Travel to the new address may not be by public transport. 

Foreigners Who Are Resident in Italy and Italians Abroad

  • Foreigners resident in Italy can return to Italy for urgent matters.  Italian citizens or foreign citizens resident in Italy, who are temporarily abroad, can be repatriated.  When travelling by plane, ferry, or train they need to give proper documents to the airline personnel (or other transportation personnel, as the situation dictates).  Travelers need to carry their self-certification about the quarantine period.
  • Italians abroad can be repatriated for urgent reasons, such as: early termination of a course of study, dismissal, lack of assistance/lack of care in case of difficulties (i.e., eviction).


  • Transit is permitted, to return to the country of destination – in Italy or abroad.  More in detail:
    • in case of transit in/from/through an airport, it is not permitted to leave the airport area;
    • by car – travelers can stay in Italy less than 24 hours (with the possibility of a further 12-hour extension) before continuing their trip to the country of destination with their own vehicle.
  • The purpose of the transit must be for urgent reasons. 

Foreign Nationals in Italy

  • Generally speaking, foreign nationals in Italy are allowed to return to their countries.  Either the temporary suspension of working activity or having to work from home in Italy is not considered as a valid reason to leave the country .
  • It is strongly recommended that foreign nationals contact their local embassy (at the very least, visit their embassy’s website), in order to verify what next steps for travel are possible and what must be done in order to be able to travel out of Italy and for arrival at the destination.


What Happens after 3 May?

The government continues to assess the situation and if necessary, may introduce other rules depending on its review of the situation as the end of the lockdown nears.


*  Please note that KPMG LLP (U.S.) does not offer immigration services or labour law services. However, KPMG Law LLP in Canada can assist clients with U.S. immigration matters

The information contained in this newsletter was submitted by the KPMG International member firm in Italy.


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