France – New Travel Restrictions (COVID-19)

France – New Travel Restrictions (COVID-19)

France has created three new travel attestations required to enter or leave France beginning 8 April 2020 to address the COVID-19 crisis.




Attestations for international travels and overseas are now in place due to the Covid-19 crisis. The new documentation required to enter France was announced 7 April 2020 by the French Home Ministry and went into effect 8 April 2020.1 


France, like many other countries, is limiting travel into the country.  Attestation of travel has already been in place for people who travel within France since are required to justify the necessity of leaving their homes (such as travel between home and work, when remote work isn’t an option, travel to purchase essential goods, travel for medical consultations that can’t be done remotely).2

The French Home Ministry put in place new travel attestations for people who wish to enter France, and overseas territories. Employers should be aware of the documentation required for any employees needing to enter France.


A travel attestation is requested to enter France beginning 8 April 2020. The Home Ministry put in place three new attestations for the state of health emergency in France.

Travelers are requested, from 8 April 2020, to fill out and carry one of the following travel certificates according to their situation:

  • for a trip from France to French overseas territories
  • for international travel from abroad to France
  • for international travel from abroad to French overseas territories

The document is to be presented to transportation companies before boarding, as well as to border control authorities.

The attestations list the different types of travel which are allowed for non-European and European nationals. The French nationals do not have to justify the reason of their entry into France but must provide the travel attestation. The attestations are available in French and in English on the web site of the French Ministry (link in footnote 1).


It is really important to check before traveling, if the travel is authorized. We believe that depending on the health situation, new measures may be adjusted. 


1  See (in French) Attestation de déplacement et de voyage

2  Article 3 of the decree of March 23rd 2020 prescribing rules necessary to fight against the spread of the Covid-19 virus. For prior coverage, see GMS Flash Alert 2020-102 (24 March 2020).   

* Please note the KPMG International member firm in the United States does not provide immigration or labour law services. However, KPMG Law LLP in Canada can assist clients with U.S. immigration matters.


The information contained in this newsletter was submitted by the KPMG International member firm in France.


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