Denmark – COVID-19-Related Travel Restrictions, Changes to Immigration Policies

Denmark – COVID-19-Related Travel Restrictions...

All travel to Denmark is suspended and the borders are closed. Individuals entering Denmark must have a creditable reason i.e. work, to enter otherwise they will be rejected at the borders. It is not possible to enter Denmark with a visa until 13 April 2020, if the travel is considered as non-creditable. Moreover, the Danish Immigration Authorities are still processing cases, but we might expect some delay. Given the situation, it is not possible to take biometrics at this time in Denmark. Finally, the Danish government set up restrictions on social gathering at work or in public.




This GMS Flash Alert highlights the current situation in light of the Danish government's actions regarding the COVID-19 outbreak.1 It also briefly describes changes in the immigration process and restrictions on travelling to Denmark.


The changes wrought in travel and daily life in light of recent government measures, may mean delays, more administration, and a considerable amount of inconvenience for some companies, their affected employees, and the Danish population, generally speaking, though it is in the interest of protecting public health and safety.

Individuals who were planning to travel to Denmark to take up work and/or residence, are advised to discuss their situations and plans with immigration counsel and/or their global mobility advisers and tax professionals as soon as possible.

Setting Context in General

The COVID-19 outbreak affects employees, business, families, and the ability to travel in and out of Denmark.  Due to the recent restrictions, Danish companies should take the necessary actions to prevent the spread of COVID-19.  The Danish government has sent out several guidelines including speeches from the Danish prime minister in relation to preventing the spread of COVID-19.2  

We highlight the guidelines and restrictions below for companies and individuals in Denmark and the travel restrictions into and out of Denmark.

Social Distancing Measures

The Danish government set up restrictions on social gathering at work or in public.  The situation has intensified through the past week.  As of 18 March 2020, below are the main restrictions:

  • All employees working for private companies are encouraged to work from home.
  • All governmental authorities are closed except for vital authorities.
  • All restaurants, bars, malls, etc., are closed except grocery stores and pharmacies.
  • Prohibition of gathering more than 10 people inside or outside.
  • All are encouraged to stay home until 30 March 2020.

Restrictions for Travel

All travel to Denmark is suspended and the borders are closed.  Individuals entering Denmark must have a creditable reason i.e. work, to enter otherwise they will be rejected at the borders.  It is not possible to enter Denmark with a visa until 13 April 2020, if the travel is considered as non-creditable.  Creditable trips to Denmark does not include business trips.  (A creditable travel refers to a travel with a purpose that is acknowledged by the government, hence the individual can enter Denmark, i.e., work.)

The current restrictions could end up being more rigorous if the Danish government sees a rise in the number of people infected with COVID-19.

Restrictions When Travelling Abroad: Going and Coming

All travel out of Denmark is restricted and all Danish individuals arriving from abroad are strongly advised to self-quarantine at home for 14 days.

Immigration Process for Third Country Nationals

The Danish Immigration Authorities are still processing cases, but we might expect some delay.  The authorities are working from their homes, so individuals must expect delays in the processing time for applications for work and residence permits.  A work and residence permit application can be submitted online.

It is a requirement before processing of the application that the individual take a biometrics scan.  Given the situation, it is not possible to take biometrics at this time in Denmark.  The authorities are not able to provide any information as to when the biometrics scan will be possible in Denmark.


All municipal centers are closed in Denmark and all communication with the Danish authorities is conducted by phone.


We anticipate many delays on activities, services, and decisions from the Danish authorities.

For further information or guidance, please reach out to your qualified immigration counsel or to a professional at the KPMG International member firm in Denmark.  


1. New to Denmark ( is the Danish Immigration Service and the Danish Agency for International Recruitment and Integration’s official web portal).

Also, see a listing of speeches and activities by Denmark’s prime minister (in Danish) at: .

2. Ibid.

* Please note the KPMG International member firm in the United States does not provide immigration or labour law services. However, KPMG Law LLP in Canada can assist clients with U.S. immigration matters. 


The information contained in this newsletter was submitted by the KPMG International member firm in Denmark.


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