Digital India - Power to Transform
Digital India - Power to Transform
This report provides insights into focus areas for Government’s initiatives in the digital space along with highlighting the transformational changes in the the key sectors like health, education, agriculture and payments.
The rate of growth of digitisation in India is faster than any other country and still it has a plenty of room for growth as currently only just over 40 percent of the populace has an internet connection. The expansion to the other half of 60 percent is likely to give rise to opportunities in retail, healthcare, education, transportation, logistics, almost every sector is adopting new and emerging technologies to transform their businesses. Digital transformation is expected to add an estimated $154 billion to the Indian GDP, according to International Data Corporation. It is estimated that in the coming years almost 60 per cent of Indian GDP would be linked to digital products from a 4 per cent in 2017. These developments would further boost the digital economy, which could reach USD1 trillion by 2025.
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