Venture Pulse: Q3’17 Global analysis of venture funding
Venture Pulse: Q3’17 Global analysis of venture funding
Mainland China recorded robust venture capital (VC) activities in Q3 2017, with artificial intelligence (AI) and autotech key areas of investment.
Continuing the momentum in Q2 2017, companies in Mainland China attracted USD 10.2 billion of VC investments from 95 deals between July and September, with a number of mega-sized deals recorded. Mainland China accounted for half of the top 10 global VC financings, and 10 out of the top 12 deals in Asia.
The report highlights that AI, robotics, and other tech-enabled next-generation sectors in China are attracting significant investment, and the pace is expected to continue.
Globally, the number of VC deals dropped to 2,672 in Q3 2017, the lowest since 2011. However, total investment remained strong at USD39.4 billion, which was the fourth-highest quarter since 2010.
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