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Customs Policy Update - for the Period of August 2017
Customs Policy Update - for the Period of August 2017
Customs Policy Update – August 2017
Announcement on Updating Product Embargo List against the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea in Accordance with UN Security Council 2371 Resolution (Joint Announcement No. 40 [2017] of MOC and GAC)
In accordance with the Foreign Trade Law of the People’s Republic of China, a joint announcement was released by the Ministry of Commerce (MOC) and General Administration of Customs (GAC) on August 15th, 2017 to carry out the UN Security Council 2371 Resolution. According to the announcement, full import bans are to be imposed on coal, iron, iron ore, lead, lead ore and seafood from the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea as of the effective date of the announcement.
For more detail please click the link.
Announcement on Releasing Imported Waste Management Directory (2017) (Joint Announcement No. 39 [2017] of MEP, MOC, NDRC, GAC and GAQSIQ)
The Ministry of Environmental Protection (MEP), Ministry of Commerce (MOC), National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), General Administration of Customs (GAC) and General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (GAQSIQ) have jointly made the following adjustments and revisions to the current Solid Waste Import Ban Directory, Directory of Import-Restricted Solid Waste Which Can Be Used as Raw Materials, and Directory of Import-Unrestricted Solid Waste Which Can Be Used as Raw Materials: the 24 kinds of solid wastes falling into the following four categories, i.e. wasted plastics in daily life, unsorted wasted paper, wasted textile raw materials and vanadium slag, are to be removed from the Directory of Import-Restricted Solid Waste Which Can Be Used as Raw Materials, and transferred to the Solid Waste Import Ban Directory. The announcement shall come into force as of Dec 31st, 2017 while the Joint Announcement No. 80 [2014] of the MEP, MOC, NDRC, GAC and GAQSIQ and Joint Annouement No. 3 [2017] of the MEP, MOC, NDRC, GAC and GAQSIQ shall be repealed on the same date.
For more detail please click the link.
Interim Measures of the People’s Republic of China for Managing Customs Supervision Zones (GAC Decree No. 232)
The Interim Measures of the People’s Republic of China for Managing Customs Supervision Zones was released on August 8th, 2017 by the General Administration of Customs (GAC) and shall become effective as of Nov. 1st, 2017. The Measures of the People’s Republic of China for Managing Places under Customs Supervision (GAC Decree No. 171) released on Jan 30th, 2008 and the sixth section of Decision of the GAC on Revising Partial Regulations (GAC Announcement No. 227) released on April 27th, 2015 shall be repealed on the same date.
For more detail please click the link.
Announcement on Repealing Customs Supervision Pattern Code (GAC Announcement No. 34 [2017])
As relevant policies for small-scale trade of tourist commodities have been cancelled, the General Administration of Customs (GAC) decided to repeal customs supervision pattern code “0139” to regulate customs management and trade statistics. The customs supervision pattern code “0139” is technically known as “Small-scale Orders for Tourist-initiated Exports below $50,000”, simplified as “Tourist Shopping Commodities”. Tourist Shopping Commodities refer to such tourist commodities or small-scale orders below $50,000 as purchased by foreign tourists with foreign exchange carried into China or as to be shipped out of China by domestic shipping services due to requests from foreign tourists. The announcement shall come into force as of August 1st, 2017.
For more detail please click the link.
Announcement on Issuing the Administrative Ruling on the Country of Origin (Ⅰ) (GAC Announcement No. 35 [2017])
The General Administration of Customs (GAC) has accepted the application for administrative ruling on the origin of “Anchor Skim Milk Powder” filed by Fonterra Commercial Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. and the ruling result is hereby issued. The product is determined to be of New Zealand origin under the Free Trade Agreement between the Government of the People's Republic of China and the Government of New Zealand. The announcement shall take effect as of Sept. 1st, 2017.
For more detail please click the link.
Announcement on Releasing Annotations on Commodities and Articles under the Customs Import and Export Tariff (Revised VersionⅠ& Ⅱ of 2017) (GAC Announcement No. 36 [2017])
The Annotations on Commodities and Articles under the Customs Import and Export Tariff (or the Tariff Annotations) functions as one of the important references for commodity classification. Recently, the World Customs Organization (WCO) has made some revisions to the Tariff Annotations (Revised Version 2017) mentioned above, and the GAC has made corresponding adjustments to the relevant content of the Tariff Annotations (Revised Version 2017) in accordance with the revisions released by the WCO (reference should be made to attachment Ⅰ& Ⅱ of the announcement). The revisions shall be effective as of Sept. 1st, 2017.
For more detail please click the link.
Announcement on Clarifying Administrative Licensing Items of Working Places under Customs Supervision (GAC Announcement No. 37 [2017])
The announcement has published the following regulations:
The requirements for companies applying for the operation of working places under customs supervision (hereinafter referred to as the Applicants) and the documents to be submitted;
The competent customs shall conduct on-site examination on working places under customs supervision proposed by the Applicants to determine whether they are in accordance with the Setup Rules for Working Places under Customs Supervision (to be formulated and announced separately by the GAC). For those that meets the conditions for registration, the Company Registration Certificate of XX Customs of the People’s Republic of China for Operating Working Places under Customs Supervision (hereinafter referred to as the Registration Certificate) shall be issued.
The Registration Certificate shall remain valid for 3 years from the date of issuance;The Registration Certificate mustn’t be transferred, leased or lent. The Announcement shall come into effect as of Nov. 1st, 2017.
For more detail please click the link.
Announcement on Cancelling Customs Clearance Pattern Based on Regional Customs Clearance Integration (GAC Announcement No. 38 [2017])
In accordance with the overall work plan for the national customs clearance integration reform, the General Administration of Customs (GAC) released an announcement on August 22nd to cancel the customs clearance model based on regional customs clearance integration, which means that customs nationwide will no longer accept any related applications. After the launching of road manifest, the Cross-border Quick-pass Customs Clearance Reform become applicable to all customs districts directly under the GAC within Guangdong Province. Paperless road customs transit service could be provided after the application of Internet of Things equipment including security intelligence lock, checkpoint front-end equipment, satellite positioning devices, and the adoption of check point control and connected information system to imported and exported goods transited between customs offices which are exported and imported by ship, air, railway or road, and are transported by road domestically. The announcement shall come into force upon promulgation.
For more detail please click the link.
Announcement on Issues Concerning Signing of Inspection Record for Goods Passing Machine Inspection (GAC Announcement No. 39 [2017])
To further optimize the goods customs clearance process and streamline the inspection procedures, the General Administration of Customs (GAC) is to cancel the requirement that consigners and consignees should sign the Record Form of Customs for Goods Inspection to confirm the record after their goods pass the machine inspection (i.e. when the machine inspection reports no abnormality and no further manual inspection is needed).
For more detail please click the link.
Announcement on Data Access Specifications for the Cross-border E-commerce Retail Import & Export Inspection and Quarantine Informationization Management System (GAQSIQ Announcement No. 42 [2017])
To facilitate the development of cross-border E-commerce and provide convenient customs clearance services, the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (GAQSIQ) released an announcement on how the E-business bodies (enterprises) and third-party platform can access to the Cross-border E-commerce Retail Import & Export Inspection and Quarantine Informationization Management System (hereinafter referred to as the GAQSIQ System) on August 1st.
E-business bodies (companies) or their agents and third-party platforms could log on the enterprises-directed sub-system of the GAQSIQ System to manually input, modify, submit and inquire the lists.The docking and messaging standards of the GAQSIQ System for business bodies (enterprises) is published. Business bodies (enterprises) engaged in cross-border E-commerce and third party platforms could at their discretion develop or procure access services based on the standards.
The GAQSIQ System accepts business license information provided by business bodies (enterprises) and third-party platforms, including mainly filing information, goods lists, booking notes, orders and payment slips.
The announcement shall come into force upon promulgation.
For more detail please click the link.
Update on Local Customs Policies
Notification of China E-port Data Centre Guangzhou Branch on Opening Business Data Exchange Interface of the Customs Pre-input System
This is to serve enterprises lawfully engaged in import & export business that have registered at Guangzhou Customs with a need to use the business data exchange interface to import business data. Related services include providing interface connection test to enterprises, accepting system access application and offering hotline services. For specific procedures and required documents, please refer to the attachment to the notification Business Data Exchange Interface Opening Procedures for the Pre-input System of Guangzhou Customs District (for trail implementation).
For more detail please click the link.
Announcement of Huangpu Customs District on Abolishing some Regulatory Papers (No. 1 [2017])
The announcement invalidates the following 10 announcements issued by Huangpu Customs District: Announcement on Reinforcing Management on Goods Entry and Exit of Bonded Warehouses, Announcement on Promoting the Operation of Bonded Warehouse E-Ledgers, Announcement on Inspection of Application Filed by Fenggang-based and Changan-based Enterprises to Build Bonded Warehouses and Export Supervision Warehouses, Announcement on Cancelling the Procedures to Separately File Heavy Container Trunk at Sea Transportation Entrances within the Customs District, Announcement on Reinforcing Supervision on Inbound and Outbound Ships and Their Cargoes, Announcement on Procedures for Price Negotiation, Announcement on Regulating Reviews on Inbound and Outbound Private Use Items of Permanent Foreign Personnels Employed by Foreign-invested Enterprises, Announcement on Issues Concerning Imported Goods Subject to Formula Pricing, Announcement on Matters Concerning the Management of Import of Consumable Materials by Processing Trade Enterprises, and Announcement on Applying Customs Credit Guaranteed Check and Clearance to AA Import and Export Consigners. The above ten announcements shall be abolished upon the promulgation (i.e. August 15th, 2017) of the new announcement.
For more detail please click the link.
Notification of Qingdao Customs District on Releasing “Single Window” Standard Version User Manual (Enterprise Qualification)
Qingdao Customs District has released a notification on August 31st indicating that regarding the “Single Window” Standard Version User Manual (Enterprise Qualification) and the Training Materials for Filing Application System of “Single Window” Standard Version Enterprise Qualification, related enterprises could visit the homepage of China (Shandong) International Trade Single Window to perform related operations.
For more detail please click the link.
Notification of Tianjin Customs District on Trial Implementation of Centralized Inspection and Valuation on Imported Cars
To meet the clearance demand of imported cars after the national customs clearance integration reform, Tianjin Customs District has decided to experiment with the centralized inspection and valuation of cars under HS headings of 8703 and 8704. Import customs declarations filed at Tianjin Customs District and determined by the GAC Tax Collection and Management Centre (Shanghai) as qualified for “In-progress Inspection and Valuation” shall be subject to centralized disposal by the Document Examination Department of Tianjin Customs District. Customs declarations for imported cars that have entered inspection and valuation of each business site at Tianjin Customs District before (excluding) August 10th shall still be handled by on-site customs.
For more detail please click the link.
Announcement of Tianjin Customs District on Streamlining Write-off Procedures for Processing Trade (No. 3 [2017])
In accordance with the Measures of the Customs of the People’s Republic of China for the Control of Processing Trade Goods and related papers, Tianjin Customs District has decided to streamline the write-off procedures for processing trade. As of Sept. 11th, 2017, enterprises are no longer required to submit hardcopy customs declaration documents when going through the write-off process of processing trade at the customs offices approving processing trade bonded business sites under the jurisdiction of Tianjin Customs District (including Special Customs Supervision Zones). Instead, the write-off shall be conducted based on e-copies of customs declarations.
For more detail please click the link.
Announcement of Ningbo Customs District on Implementing Centralized Inspection and Valuation Pattern of National Customs Clearance Integration
To better facilitate the national customs clearance integration reform, Ningbo Customs District has decided to implement the centralized inspection and valuation pattern at Ningbo International Shipping Service Centre from August 21st, 2017. Those customs declarations entering onsite inspection and valuation of the national customs clearance integration before August 21st shall be handled by the sites of original offices where the declarations are initially filed.
For more detail please click the link.
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