Enterprise risk management – Protecting and enhancing value

Protecting and enhancing value

The common themes and leading practices that can help companies realise the potential of ERM to add business value and achieve competitive advantage

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In today’s markets, businesses continue to experience an escalating pace of change. As the world forms new norms, calibrating strategy to emerging risks and opportunities is key for every company.

Success requires a holistic and integrated approach to managing risk – the competitive landscape and risk environment demand it, regulators expect it, and securing value, growth and sustainability for investors requires it.

Business imperatives, regulatory requirements, and increased rating agency interest are prompting a new focus on enterprise risk management (ERM), and business leaders are seeking to either implement ERM for the first time, or to enhance and develop their ERM processes – embedding an approach that is tailored to their company’s culture and structure, aligned with their business strategy, operationalised in their business processes, and focused on their most critical risks.

In this document, we outline some common themes and leading practices that can provide the means of realising ERM’s potential for enabling organisations to add business value and achieve competitive advantage.

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