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- Customs Policy Update - for the Period of June 2017
Customs Policy Update - for the Period of June 2017
Customs Policy Update - for the Period of June 2017
Customs Policy Update – June 2017
Catalogue of Industries for Guiding Foreign Investment (Revision 2017)
According to the Decree [2017] No.4 released by the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) and the Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM), the Catalogue of Industries for Guiding Foreign Investment (Revision 2017), which has been approved by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council, is promulgated and shall come into force as of 28 July 2017. The Catalogue of Industries for Guiding Foreign Investment (Revision 2015) promulgated by the NDRC and MOFCOM on 10 March 2015 shall be repealed simultaneously.
Announcement on Issuing the Administrative Ruling on Commodity Classification for 2017 (Ⅰ)
In accordance with China Customs Provisional Measures on Administrative Ruling (GACC Decree No. 92) and Rules of the General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China on the Commodity Classification of Import and Export Goods (GACC Decree No.158), the GACC has made, in the form of Announcement [2017] No. 21, administrative ruling on the classification of the three commodity items of Otis High Rise Elevator (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., namely, the elevator guide rail, elevator rail bracket, and elevator pit base, which have the same tariff code of 8431.3100.
Origin Criteria for Added Goods Entitled to Zero Tariff under Hong Kong and Macao CEPAs as from 1 July 2017 and Other Relevant Matters
In accordance with China Mainland-Hong Kong and Mainland-Macao Closer Economic Partnership Arrangements (hereinafter referred to as “Hong Kong CEPA” and “Macao CEPA”) and their supplements, the GACC promulgated Announcement [2017] No. 22 on 12 June 2017, which specifies that the Form of Origin Criteria for Added Goods Entitled to Zero Tariff under Hong Kong and Macao CEPAs as from 1 July 2017 shall use simplified product description as of 1 July 2017.
In addition, a modification has been made to the origin criteria of some of the tariff codes listed in GACC Announcement [2011] No. 82 appendix 1, Form of Origin Criteria for Hong Kong Goods Subject to Preferential Measures for Trade in Goods (2012 issue) and appendix 2, Form of Origin Criteria for Macao Goods Subject to Preferential Measures for Trade in Goods (2012 version). The revised origin criteria shall come into force as of 1 July 2017.
China, New Zealand to Implement AEO (Authorized Economic Operator) Customs Agreement
In March 2017, China Customs and New Zealand Customs jointly signed a written arrangement on mutual recognition of China Customs Enterprise Credit Management System and New Zealand’s Secure Export Scheme, which shall be implemented as from 1 July 2017. The GACC released Announcement [2017] No. 23 on 14 June 2017 to specify that China Customs and New Zealand Customs will mutually provide clearance facilitations for AEOs from the other in respect of cargo import and export, including: reduction of document reviews or inspections; priority in cargo clearance; designation of customs officers for mutual communication; and expedition of clearance process upon trade recovery.
GACC Announcement [2017] No. 24 on Customs Industrial Standards
In accordance with China’s Administrative Measures on Customs Industrial Standards (Trial) (GACC Decree No.140), the GACC has recently approved 6 sets of customs industrial standards including “Identification of NPEOs in Surfactant” and “Identification of Synthetic Magnesium Hydroxide and Natural Brucite”. The new standard codes are listed in the appendix to Announcement [2017] No. 24, which shall come into force as of 1 August 2017.
GACC Announcement [2017] No. 25 on Customs Clearance Integration Nationwide
In order to speed up the transformation of government functions, meet the requirements of the new system of an open economy, deepen the efforts to streamline administration and delegate power and optimise service, the GACC decided to push forward customs clearance integration nationwide, and promulgated Announcement [2017] No. 25 on 28 June 2017. According to the announcement, a national customs risk control centre and a national tax collection centre shall be launched, and the reform of tax collection methods shall be extended to all the commodities that are set out in the Import and Export Tariff of the People’s Republic of China and imported by all modes of transport at every national port; every regional document inspection centre under the Customs Clearance Integration Program no longer has to go through the relevant procedures; other matters shall be processed in accordance with GACC Announcement No. 62 of 2016. GACC Announcement [2017] No. 25 shall come into force as of 1 July 2017.
Further Simplified Administration of Origin of Goods Transhipped via Hong Kong/Macao
In order to streamline the administration of origin of goods transhipped via Hong Kong and Macao under all the trade preferential arrangements, the GACC was scheduled to promulgate Announcement [2017] No. 26 on 28 June 2017. According to the announcement, in cases where consignees or agents of import goods (hereinafter referred to as “importers”) shall submit a transhipping confirmation in accordance with GACC Announcement [2016] No. 52, an original copy of such confirmation is no longer required of an importer as of 10 July 2017 provided that customs receives the electronic information that is consistent with what the importer has reported. However, submission of an original copy is still required where customs does not receive the electronic information or where it deems necessary.
Matters Concerning Certificate of Approval for Import and Export of Gold and Gold Products
In order to further streamline administration and delegate power, and to support the Belt and Road Initiative, the PBOC and GACC have jointly issued an announcement on Matters Concerning Certificate of Approval for Import and Export of Gold and Gold Products to extend the implementation of One Certificate for More Than One Batch Program. Tianjin Customs, Chengdu Customs, Wuhan Customs and Xi’an Customs will be added to the list after Beijing Customs, Shanghai Customs, Guangzhou Customs, Nanjing Customs, Qingdao Customs, and Shenzhen Customs, whereas other customs shall still issue certificates of approval pursuant to the existing rules and regulations. Regulations and requirements for carrying out One Certificate for More Than One Batch Program shall be in accordance with Announcement [2016] No. 9 promulgated by the PBOC and GACC. The Announcement on Matters Concerning Certificate of Approval for Import and Export of Gold and Gold Products shall come into force as of 1 July 2017.
Update on Local Customs Policies
Guangzhou Customs Decides to Repeal and Invalidate Some of Formerly Issued Announcements
In order to meet the needs of business development and to further ensure unified law enforcement, Guangzhou Customs promulgated Announcement [2017] No. 3 on 12 June to implement its decision to repeal seven of its formerly issued announcements (Announcement on Supervising Bonded Warehouses and the Goods Stored in Such Warehouses, Announcement on Export Warehouses under Supervision and the Goods Stored in Such Warehouses, Announcement on Matters Concerning the Price Pre-review, Announcement on Matters Concerning Processing Enterprise Management Services, Announcement on Comprehensively Advancing the Reform of Classable Clearance of Import Goods, Announcement on Revising and Rescinding Customs Declaration Forms for Import and Export of Goods, and Announcement on Standardising the Management of Passengers Carrying Goods), and invalidate other six formerly issued announcements (Announcement on Adopting Electronic Authorisation for Network Supervision of Electronic Account Books, Announcement on Unifying and Standardising Fuel, Materials and Warehouses for Storing Conveyance for Import and Export Purposes, Announcement on Comprehensively Advancing the Tax Management System on Bonded Goods for the Domestic Market, Announcement on Matters Concerning Standardising the Management of Taxable Export Goods in Processing Trade, Announcement on Expanding the Pilot Management System for Air Cargo Import and Export Conveyance, and Announcement on Expanding the Pilot Manifest System for Air Cargo Import).
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