Boardroom questions – A sustainable approach to Regulatory Compliance Transformation

Boardroom questions – A sustainable approach to ...

A look at the challenges being faced through regulatory compliance, and how boards can become more proactive in this area

Closeup of notepad kept on table in empty conference room

The challenges facing non-executive directors are wide-ranging – from cyber security, disruptive technology, talent management and more. KPMG's Boardroom Questions series captures some of the key issues for boards today, the questions board members should ask and the actions they can take to address them.

A sustainable approach to Regulatory Compliance Transformation looks at how increasing regulatory complexity and scrutiny by relevant authorities continues to make regulatory compliance a major issue in the boardroom and the C-suite.

We look at the challenges being faced through regulatory compliance, and how boards can become more proactive in this area.

Key questions for boards

  • Is there enough support to ensure an organisation’s compliance?
  • What does a ‘good culture’ look like?
  • How can the board become more proactive?

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