KPMG AEOI Reporting - Helping to make global AEOI reporting manageable

KPMG AEOI Reporting

An overview of KPMG’s Automatic Exchange of Information (AEOI) reporting tool.

illustrated buildings

Reporting information on Financial Accounts to local tax authorities under Automatic Exchange of Information (AEOI) requirements of FATCA and CRS can be challenging without a reliable technology solution. Countries impose different reporting deadlines, require different file formats or data points, demand different submission methods and often do not operate test facilities. KPMG AEOI Reporting is a solution designed to convert system data into the relevant reporting schema in all of the jurisdictions you operate and perform data validation to improve reporting compliance. 

KPMG AEOI Reporting is a proprietary solution developed, owned and managed by KPMG in the UK and used by professionals across KPMG’s global network of member firms. KPMG utilises local expertise in each country to help ensure the solution stays correct and up to date at all times.

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