Insight Magazine
Insight Magazine
Globalization has both good and bad implications for the world of infrastructure. Depending on where you sit, it could pose...
Globalization has both good and bad implications for the world of infrastructure.
Infrastructure is firmly at the top of government agendas. It’s the lynchpin of political platforms; the hope for sluggish economies; the unifier of regional diversity; the solution to climate change; an instrument for social change.
The problem is that — over the past few years in particular — the rules of the game have changed. As this edition of Insight magazine clearly illustrates, the traditional approaches to infrastructure delivery have been disrupted. And this is creating massive opportunities for some, but also significant risks for many.
In this edition of Insight magazine, we have focused on highlighting both the good and the bad of globalization. We hope to inspire some leaders to emulate the good and catalyze others to stamp out the bad. Moreover, we hope to clearly articulate the real and fundamental benefits that globalization can bring in this new world order and at the same time highlight some of the risks.
Explore these themes by reading the articles on this page or downloading the full report.
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