A New Dawn for the International Tax System: Evolution from past to future and what role will China play?
A New Dawn for the International Tax System
This book describes the development of the key components of the global tax system, in terms of law and administration, across countries and over time. It provides insights on international tax rules and international tax systems, and their potential future direction.
We are pleased to announce the release of a new book, A New Dawn for the International Tax System: Evolution from past to future and what role will China play? The English version of the book, which was published by the International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation (IBFD) this month, describes the development of the key components of the global tax system, in terms of law and administration, across countries and over time. It sets out China’s position along the spectrum of global tax practices, with a particular focus on how China’s policy positions and Chinese tax innovations may contribute to shaping the global tax consensus. A Chinese language version of the book is being prepared and will be published by the China Tax Press later this summer.
The concept and design of the book were originated by Khoonming Ho and Yuesheng Jiang, Deputy Director-General of the Jiangsu State Taxation Bureau in 2013, coinciding with the initiation of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS) project. It has been designed and drafted to be accessible to a broad audience of financially and economically literate readers, as well as tax administrators and professionals. Forewords to the book are provided by Dr Liao Tizhong, Director-General of the Department of International Tax at the State Administration of Taxation (SAT), and Raffaele Russo, Head of the BEPS Project at the OECD. The principal authors include Conrad Turley and Mario Petriccione, with contributions from other KPMG tax colleagues.
A series of launch events for the English version of the book are being planned in China, the UK, the US and Singapore in the coming weeks, with further launch events planned to coincide with the release of the Chinese version. We would encourage you to read the book for insights on the building blocks of international tax rules, on the workings of tax systems across countries, and on their potential future direction, as this should assist in helping you plan for the future.
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