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- China Tax Weekly Update - Issue 1
China Tax Weekly Update - Issue 1
China Tax Weekly Update - Issue 1
The following matters are covered in this issue:
- Law of the People's Republic of China on Environmental protection Tax
- China Advance Pricing Arrangement (APA) Annual Report (2015)
- OECD advances BEPS continuity work
- Over 1300 relationships now in place to automatically exchange information between tax authorities
- OECD releases additional guidance on Action 4 of the BEPS Action Plan to curb international tax avoidance
- SAIC issues guidance to simplify the de-registration procedures for enterprises (Gong Shang Qi Zhu Zi[2016] No.253)
- SAT issues notice on R&D super deduction for year 2016 (Shui Zong Han[2016] No.685)
- SAT clarifies specific issues on VAT levying and administration (SAT Announcement[2016] No.86)
- China and Malaysia signed exchange notes for DTA (SAT Announcement[2016] No. 84)
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