IIRC issued a slide share on overview of integrated reporting in association with KPMG International

IIRC issued a slide share on overview

There is a gap between what investors need to know about business plans and long-term strategy and what corporate reports are telling them. This reporting gap makes it harder for investors to discern the true drivers of value creation in a business.



There is a gap between what investors need to know about business plans and long-term strategy and what corporate reports are telling them. This reporting gap makes it harder for investors to discern the true drivers of value creation in a business.

The International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) formed in August 2010 aimed to reduce the gap between current reporting and investor needs through the introduction of the concept of Integrated Reporting (<IR>).
<IR> aims at enabling the capital markets to better understand a company’s strategy, align their models with business performance, and make efficient and forward-looking investment and other key decisions. It is a process founded on integrated thinking that results in a periodic integrated report by an organisation about value creation over time and related communications regarding aspects of value creation.

New development

In continuation of its efforts to close the reporting gap, on 28 November 2016, the IIRC in association with KPMG International have issued a slide share ‘Integrated Reporting: How <IR> provides insight into business strategy
and prospects’. The slide share is intended to explain the following:

  • how investors can benefit from companies' implementation of <IR>  principles, and
  • what investors can do to encourage better disclosure on strategy and operational performance.

The slide share is expected to provide an insight into the business strategy and prospects.

To access the contents of the slide share, please click here

For more information, please visit KPMG’s Better Business Reporting site.

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