China’s banking sector: Performance of listed banks and hot topics 2016 Q3

Performance of listed banks and hot topics 2016 Q3

This Hong Kong Capital Markets Update provides a snapshot of the SFC’s current enforcement work and priorities as communicated in its Enforcement Reporter Issue No.1.

 China’s banking sector: Performance of listed banks and hot topics 2016 Q3

2016 Q3 – China banking sector: Performance of listed banks and hot topics examines the financial performance of China’s listed banks in the third quarter of 2016.

The report also provides an in-depth analysis of the key issues affecting the banking sector, including big data used to promote the transformation of banking outlets; how to build a data mart for banking credit risk from the basics; the interpretation of the implications of Circular No. 42 on banking business; and the accounting treatment of the business of investment-loan linkage of banks.

The publication also features academic insights into the implications of blockchain technology on commercial banks and proposed countermeasures.   

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