Future-proof companies
Future-proof companies
How can Belgium find it's role in Industry 4.0? What can we do to become stronger and evolve? Prof dr Paul Matthyssens, Dean of Antwerp Management school, an expert on Industry 4.0, shares his views.
KPMG and Antwerp Management School have entered into a knowledge partnership
The Next Generation Competence Center, developed together between KPMG and Antwerp Management School (AMS), is designed to help preserve and further develop the manufacturing industry. Keeping a pulse on the current trends in the field of strategic innovation, entrepreneurship, and the creation of new business models, the Competence Center aims to help transform “obsolete” industrial activities into innovative and sustainable activities. Supported by scientific and applied research, the knowledge platform helps companies in their search for new business models. This can include the transition from product offerings to product-service systems, shifts in industry logic and industry boundaries, and the evolution from closed to open business models that include collaboration across the value chain (networked factory, shared value systems).
Together, KPMG and AMS have developed a study around the topic “How future-proof is your company?”. This research is designed to investigate how to act and remain “smart” to survive in an ever-changing and competitive world. Based on the results of the research, a Triple A labeling will be awarded by KPMG to the companies that meet the standards of being Agile, Adaptable, Ambidextrous. The event, supported by Antwerp Management School, Solvay Business School, VBO, FIT, and other partners, will take place in 2017 with top speakers.
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