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China Tax Weekly Update - Issue 38
China Tax Weekly Update - Issue 38
The followings are included in this issue:
- Updates on China’s forex administration
- Notice on expansion of the pilot scheme of cross-border financing under overall prudent and macroeconomic management (Yin Fa [2016] No. 18)
- Notice on Implementing cross-border financing under overall prudent and macroeconomic management throughout the country (Yin Fa [2016] No. 132)
- Forex administrations for foreign institutional investors (FIIs) investing in the inter-bank bond market (Hui Fa [2016] No. 12)
- Forex administration on qualified foreign institutional investors (QFII) engaged in securities investment in China (SAFE Announcement [2016] No. 1)
- Forex administration on RMB qualified foreign institutional investors (RQFII) engaged in securities investment in China (Yin Fa [2016] No. 227)
- Notice on promoting trade and investment facilitation and improving verification of the authenticity of trade (Hui Fa [2016] No. 7)
- Notice on standardizing the administration for foreign exchange settlement under capital account (Hui Fa [2016] No. 16)
- China to lower rate of consumption tax on cosmetics
- MOF and SAT’s notice on adjusting the consumption tax policy on cosmetics (Cai Shui [2016] No. 103)
- MOF and SAT’s notice on adjusting consumption tax on imported cosmetics (Cai Guan Shui [2016] No. 48)
- Notice of the Customs Tariff Commission of the State Council on issues relating to adjustments to import duties of inbound goods (Shui Wei Hui [2016] No. 26)
- Announcement on implementation issues relating to adjusting consumption tax on imported cosmetics (GAC Announcement [2016] No. 55)
- SAT clarifies tax collection for new rules on stock incentive and capital contribution with rights in technology (SAT Announcement [2016] No. 62)
- Implementation measures on customs inspection introduced (GAC Order No. 230)
- SAT to further facilitate foreign trade enterprises (SAT Announcement [2016] No. 61)
- China to cut logistics costs (Guo Ban Fa [2016] No. 69)
- MOF standardizes the accounting treatment to facilitate the supply-side reform (Cai Kuai [2016] No. 17)
- Case sharing: the first cost sharing agreement (CSA) for intra-group services in Nanjing
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