Mainland China Securities Survey 2016
Mainland China Securities Survey 2016
This report is the 10th annual Mainland China Securities Survey published by KPMG. It provides an overview of the performance of securities companies operating in China in 2015 and an outlook for 2016.
China’s securities market experienced high growth with increased volatility in 2015 and gradually stabilised market in the first half of 2016, risk management is key focus with increasing importance.
This report is the 10th annual Mainland China Securities Survey published by KPMG. It provides an overview of the performance of 125 securities companies operating in China based on the 2015 financial statements published by the Securities Association of China. The report also analyses a number of key trends in the securities sector. These include the increased integration of China’s securities market with the global capital markets and the increased emphasis on risk management within the industry.
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