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- China Tax Weekly Update - Issue 37
China Tax Weekly Update - Issue 37
China Tax Weekly Update - Issue 37
The followings are included in this issue:
- New tax rules to boost innovation and start-ups
- MOF and SAT improve the income tax policies for stock incentives and contribution with technological results (Cai Shui [2016] No. 101)
- Measures to promote sustainable development of venture capital investment (Guo Fa [2016] No. 53)
- CBRC pushes forward venture loan to be piloted in commercial banks
- The State Council issues overall plan for making Beijing a national scientific and technological innovation hub (Guo Fa [2016] No. 52)
- MOF and SAT clarify the preferential tax policies for national university sci-tech parks (Cai Shui [2016] No. 98)
- OECD publishes the comments received for certain BEPS discussion drafts
- Foreign investment in central and western China is further encouraged
- The State Council regulates the sharing of government information (Guo Fa [2016] No. 51)
- SAT further regulates the transparency on identity of tax handlers (Shui Zong Fa [2016] No. 111)
- SAIC supervision method innovation (Gong Shang Qi Jian Zi [2016] No. 185)
- Updates on the VAT reform
- SAT sets out further work arrangement for the VAT reform
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