Awards and recognition

Awards and recognition

Across the MESA region, KPMG firms have received numerous accolades thanks to clear vision, rigorously maintained values, and above all, our people. These awards demonstrate commitment to providing top quality services to clients.

Best Corporate Advisory Firm - Awards 2018

Best Corporate Advisory Firm in the GCC - International Finance’s Financial Awards, 2018

KPMG in Saudi Arabia was recognized as the “Best Corporate Advisory Firm in the GCC” at International Finance’s Financial Awards 2018. The awards recognized the contribution of financial companies, which include path-breaking initiatives in corporate social responsibility or charitable activities, corporate governance and activities that benefits the global finance community, in addition to their outstanding performance in their respective fields.

Best Audit Services - MENA Insurance Review's 2018

Best Audit Services - MENA Insurance Review's MENA Insurance Awards, 2018

KPMG Lower Gulf was recognized as the winner in the “Best Audit Services” category at the MENA Insurance Review's MENA Insurance Awards 2018. The awards recognize MENA based insurers, reinsurers and service providers that have demonstrated exceptional customer service and innovative product development. The Firm has won the award at the annual awards event in three consecutive occasions since 2016.

Pharma, Medical & Biotech M&A Financial Advisor - Middle East M&A Awards, 2018

Pharma, Medical & Biotech M&A Financial Advisor - Middle East M&A Awards, 2018

KPMG in Lower Gulf won the “Pharma, Medical & Biotech M&A Financial Advisor” award at Middle East M&A Awards, 2018. The awards recognized the top M&A financial and legal firms in a range of sectors including energy, mining & utilities; financial services; consumer; pharma, medical & biotech; telecoms; media & technology; and industrials & chemicals.

Best Procurement Consultancy Project - CIPS Middle East Supply Chain Management Awards, 2018

Best Procurement Consultancy Project - CIPS Middle East Supply Chain Management Awards, 2018

KPMG in Lower Gulf won the “Best Procurement Consultancy Project” award at the CIPS Middle East Supply Chain Management Awards 2018. The awards recognized vision, hard work and collaborative leadership in procurement and supply management.

Advisory Services Company of the Year - Meed Awards, 2017

Advisory Services Company of the Year - Meed Awards, 2017

KPMG in Saudi Arabia won the “Advisory Services Company of the Year” award at Meed Awards 2017. The awards consider business achievements, environmental sustainability programmes, workforce culture, innovative practices, and client service.

Most Attractive Employers in the Middle East - Universum, 2016

Most Attractive Employers in the Middle East - Universum, 2016

KPMG was recognized as one of the most attractive employers in the Middle East in the business student category in 2016 by Universum. KPMG ranked #8 in 2016, advancing 6 positions in the rankings.

MENA fund manager award

Best Audit Services - MENA Fund Manager Fund Services Awards, 2016

KPMG in the Lower Gulf was recognized as the winner in the “Best Audit Services” category at the MENA Fund Manager Fund Services Awards 2016. The Firm has won the award at the annual awards event in four consecutive occasions since 2013.

accounting firm of the year award - middle east

Accounting Firm of the Year - CFO Middle East Awards, 2015

KPMG in Saudi Arabia was recognized as the Accounting Firm of the Year at the CFO Middle East Awards - 2015. The awards recognize organizations and professionals who have shown outstanding performance and leadership in their respective industries.

World Tax 2015 award

Top Tier Firm in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region - ITR World Tax

KPMG was recognized as a Top Tier Firm in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region according to International Tax Review's World Tax 2015 and maintained this ranking in the years 2016, 2017 and 2018.

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KPMG refers to the global organization or to one or more of the member firms of KPMG International Limited (“KPMG International”), each of which is a separate legal entity. KPMG International Limited is a private English company limited by guarantee and does not provide services to clients. For more detail about our structure please visit

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