The future of retail supply chains
The future of retail supply chains
The future of retail supply chains, a joint report by KPMG and HSBC, discusses what the ideal supply chain of 2020 will look like, and how retailers can deploy data analytics tools to optimise their supply chains and fulfil fast-evolving customer demand.
The future of retail supply chains, a joint report by KPMG and HSBC, describes the ideal supply chain of the future, and examines how retailers can deploy data analytics tools to optimise their supply chains.
The report brings key insights from a series of collaborative roundtable sessions featuring senior executives from KPMG, HSBC and leading multinational retail sourcing companies. The discussions sought to conceptualise what the ideal supply chain of 2020 will look like, how the supply chain of the future will differ from the model of today, and how best to collaborate within the business and with suppliers to fulfil fast-evolving consumer demand.
The discussions raised five key points that will shape the supply chain of the future, which are highlighted in the report.
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