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- China Tax Weekly Update - Issue 17
China Tax Weekly Update - Issue 17
China Tax Weekly Update - Issue 17
The followings are included in this Issue:
- Preferential Corporate Income Tax policies for software and integrated circuit enterprises (Cai Shui [2016] No. 49)
- Further rules on VAT reform from SAT and MOT
- SAT issues notice to amend the VAT filing returns(SAT Announcement [2016]No. 27)
- SAT issues new rates of export refund for 2016 (Shui Zong Han [2016] No. 187)
- SAT clarifies the copies of VAT invoices used for the transfer of ownership of immovable properties(Shui Zong Han [2016] No. 190)
- MOT issues notice on adjustment of the pricing basis under VAT reform of highway construction projects (Jiao Ban Gong Lu [2016] No. 66)
- SAFE facilitates trade and investment and improves verification procedures (Hui Fa [2016] No. 7)
- The 10th FTA meeting to be held in May in Beijing
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