KPMG's Global Automotive Executive Survey 2016

KPMG's Global Automotive Executive Survey 2016

The KPMG Global Automotive Executive Survey is an annual assessment of the current state and future prospects of the worldwide automotive industry.


This year, 800 auto executives from 38 countries gave their insights to KPMG on topics such as business model disruption, connectivity and digitalization, customer data, new products and who will be the winners or losers in the auto industry. To give further insights and 'reality checks' to the industry, for the first time we surveyed over 2,100 customers from around the world.

According to the survey findings, major business model disruption is extremely likely for around 10 times more of the auto executives surveyed this year compared to last year-82 percent of the auto executives surveyed estimate a major business model disruption in the next five years to be extremely likely or somewhat likely.

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