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- China Tax Weekly Update - Issue 5
China Tax Weekly Update - Issue 5
China Tax Weekly Update - Issue 5
Issue 5, February 2016
The following matters are covered in this issue:
- New version of Administrative Measures for Recognition of High and New Technology Enterprise (HNTE) released
- Administration for qualified foreign institutional investor (QFII) arrangements revised
- Import tax issues concerning repair businesses of air materials under a guarantee arrangement clarified
- Administration on dutiable value for operating lease of aircraft revised
- Paperless customs clearance on automatic import permit expanded nationwide
- Measures to develop the Yangtze River Economic Belt
- Tax measures for the “One Belt One Road” strategy
- SAT deepens global tax cooperation and upgrades international tax rules
- 31 countries signed agreement to enable automatic sharing of country-by-country information
- The State Tax Bureau (STB) of Tianjin Economic and Technological Development Zone (ETDZ) reminded on tax risks of overseas remittance
- The 24th round of negotiation on China-US investment agreement held in Beijing
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