Private Equity Trends in Africa, January - December 2015

Private Equity Trends in Africa, January - Decemb...

This report summarises the trends in Private Equity deals in Africa during 2015.


Key findings include:

  • Total Africa private equity deal volume in Q4’15 was 19, representing a 34.5% fall from Q3’15
  • Q4’15South AfricaM&A space has seen a slight fall in thedeal volumeat 14 as compared to 16 in Q3’15.However, there has beena rise in the deal valueat $256mn compared to $215mn inQ3’15
  • FMCG accounted for 26.3% share of the total M&A volume in Q4’15, a sharp Q-o-Q fall has been observed compared to 37.9% share in Q3’15
  • Africa private equity M&A activity fell by 34.5% in Q4 2015 compared to Q3 2015 with a fall in deal value of 36.8% Q-o-Q

Download the report for more detailed sector and transaction information.

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