Fintech 100 Leading Global Innovators 2015
Fintech 100 Leading Global Innovators 2015
The speed and energy with which fintech innovation is impacting financial services is gathering global momentum on many measures. Globally, fintech financing has jumped six-fold over the past three years with over US$20 billion estimated to be reached in 2015.
The Fintech 100 report is a collaborative research effort between KPMG and fintech investment firm, H2 Ventures. The report identifies the leading 50 ‘Established’ fintech companies across the globe, and the most intriguing 50 ‘Emerging Stars’ – exciting new fintechs with bold, disruptive and potentially game-changing ideas.
The Fintech 100 were selected following extensive global research and analysis based on data relating to five factors: total capital raised, rate of capital raising, geographic and sector diversity, consumer and marketplace traction, and X-factor (degree of product, service and business model innovation) – a subjective measure that is applied only with respect to companies appearing on the 50 Emerging Stars list.
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