The KPMG Survey of Corporate Responsibility Reporting 2015: Chinese findings

The KPMG Survey of Corporate Responsibility Reporti...

This flyer provides a summary of some of the key trends identified as part of the Chinese findings from KPMG’s global 2015 Corporate Responsibility Reporting Survey.

The KPMG Survey of Corporate Responsibility Reporting 2015: Chinese findings

This flyer provides a summary of some of the key trends identified as part of the Chinese findings from KPMG’s global 2015 Corporate Responsibility Reporting Survey:

  • Of the G250 companies surveyed, four out of five claim they report on carbon emissions and identify carbon/climate change as a concern, though just over half of Chinese respondents said the same.
  • The survey finds that on average, Chinese firms score 10 out of 100 in reporting quality compared to a global average of 51; they are also the least likely to set carbon reduction targets (3 percent) among the G250 (53 percent).
  • 78 percent of the top 100 Chinese companies published CR reports, increasing from 75 percent in 2013 and 59 percent in 2011. The global average stands at 73 percent in 2015, up slightly from 71 percent in 2013.
  • In terms of CR reporting quality, the G250 companies in Asia Pacific scored 52 out of a possible 100, up slightly from 50 in 2013, overtaking their counterparts in the Americas (50) and catching up with organisations in European countries (68). China respondents among the G250 scored an average of 42.

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