Announcement on Regulatory Issues Related to Bonded Repair and Maintenance Business in Special Customs Supervision Zones

Announcement on Regulatory Issues Related to...

The General Administration of Customs released the Announcement on Regulatory Issues Related to Bonded Repair and Maintenance Business in the Special Customs Supervision Zones (Announcement No. 59 [2015]) to standardise the regulation of the bonded repair and maintenance business in the special customs supervision zones. According to the announcement, approved enterprises in the special customs supervision zones are allowed to conduct the repair and maintenance business permitted by laws, regulations and rules with approval from the State Council and relevant government departments, as well as provide repair and maintenance services for domestic goods (including those produced by the enterprises in the zones or by other domestic enterprises of the group for sale outside the zones in China) returned to the zones. Processing, trading and manufacturing enterprises, bonded logistics related enterprises and other investors interested in the bonded repair and maintenance business should assess the specific impact of this announcement and consult the relevant competent customs and professional bodies.


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