Decommissioning Strategy: A New Imperative for E&P Firms
Decommissioning Strategy
Decommissioning is above all else a strategic challenge. This report describes the significant advantages for players who move earlier than their competitors.
By Fergus Woodward, Partner and Christopher Young, Director, KPMG Global Energy Institute
Industry forecasts suggest an unprecedented scale and pace of decommissioning activity in the years ahead. But in the face of this growing challenge, many E&P players are treating decommissioning solely as a technical and cost challenge – focusing on supplier capacity, tax relief, safety and environmental issues. In this viewpoint, we argue that E&P firms must recognize that decommissioning is above all else a strategic challenge, and there may be significant advantages for players who move earlier than their competitors.
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Download the report (PDF 2.1 MB). And if you want to talk, we’d be happy to hear from you.