Insights into IFRS 2015/2016 - 12th Edition

Insights into IFRS 2015/2016 - 12th Edition

KPMG’s practical guide to International Financial Reporting Standards.

Insights into IFRS 2015/2016 - 12th Edition

To order a copy, email KPMG's International Standards Group or speak to your usual KPMG contact.


Helping you apply IFRS

Insights into IFRS aims to ease the burden of applying IFRS to real transactions and arrangements, by providing in-depth and easily understandable guidance based on our practitioners’ experience of IFRS from around the world.


 “New standards, a surge in M&A activity, continued pressure for better business reporting… all of these factors make this a challenging (and interesting) time for the preparers of financial statements.”

Mark Vaessen, KPMG's global IFRS leader  


Organised by topic and reflecting IFRS in issue at 1 August 2015, Insights emphasises the application of IFRS in practice and explains the conclusions reached on many interpretative issues.

Insights into IFRS: An overviewprovides a high-level briefing for audit committees and boards.

Insights can be used alongside our suite of Guides to annual financial statements to form your complete guide to financial reporting under IFRS. 


New for the 12th Edition 

  • Detailed guidance on the full version of the new financial instruments standard (IFRS 9 (2014)). Also covers the 2009 classification and measurement requirements and includes mappings to help you navigate the available implementation options. 
  • Updated guidance on disclosures of interests in other entities (IFRS 12). 
  • Updated guidance throughout – reflecting changes over the past year and developing practice. 

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