Global Chemicals Institute – Webcasts
Global Chemicals Institute – Webcasts
Welcome to the KPMG knowledge base of webcasts that demonstrate our understanding of many of the complex business challenges and key issues faced by companies around the world.
REACTION 26: Getting up to speed on the new mobility
This webcast discusses the massive, disruptive and permanent change underway in the automotive industry and what it means for the chemicals industry.
Chemistry 4.0: Reinventing the chemical company with digital transformation
This webcast discusses reinventing chemical companies with digital transformation.
REACTION 24: Adapting to a changing geopolitical landscape
This webcast discusses adapting to a changing geopolitical landscape in the chemicals industry.
Big data means big opportunities for chemical companies
The global chemical industry has reached a tipping point, and it’s all about information.
REACTION 22: GCC chemical companies on the move as global competitors
This webcast discusses key themes around GCC chemical companies on the move as global competitors.
REACTION 21: Building a sustainable supply chain
This webcast discusses key themes around climate change and chemical supply chains.
The US chemicals industry in 2015
In this webcast we will discuss the US chemical industry, including what the recent fall in the oil price means for the shale boom, as well as how activist investor pressure is affecting business strategy in many companies across the industry.
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