2017 Global CEO Outlook - Disrupt and grow

2017 Global CEO Outlook - Disrupt and grow

Welcome to this third annual KPMG Global CEO Outlook, offering deep insight into the challenges and opportunities faced by nearly 1,300 CEOs leading many of the world’s largest and most complex businesses.


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The 2017 Global CEO Outlook discusses how disruption has become a fact of life for CEOs and their businesses as they respond to heightened uncertainty. As they do so, most see disruption as an opportunity to transform their business model, develop new products and services, and re-shape their business so it is even more successful than it has been in the past.

KPMG’s 2017 Global CEO Outlook reveals insights from nearly 1,300 CEOs in 10 of the world’s largest economies. With continued pressure to deliver on the bottom line, CEOs are keenly focused on managing their business’ core strengths while transforming the way they create value.

For further reading on the CEO report, take a look at our global page.

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