Global ACI

Global ACI

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글로벌 ACI에서 발간한 보고서를 완역하여 국내 감사위원 · 감사님이 참고 할 수 있는 해외 동향을 소개하고 관련 코멘트를 제공하고 있습니다.

Audit Committee Institutes Around the World

Sponsored by more than 40 member firms around the world, KPMG’s Audit Committee Institutes (ACIs) provide audit committee and board members with practical insights, resources, and peer exchange opportunities focused on strengthening oversight of financial reporting and audit quality, and the array of challenges facing boards and businesses today – from risk management and emerging technologies to strategy and global compliance.


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Argentina Colombia Luxembourg Russia
Australia Cyprus  Malaysia Singapore
Austria France Mexico South Africa
Bahrain Germany Netherlands Spain
Belgium India New Zealand Switzerland
Brazil Indonesia Norway Thailand
Canada Ireland Poland Turkey
Channel Islands Israel Portugal United Kingdom
Chile Korea Qatar United States


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