African Family Business Barometer

African Family Business Barometer


african business

In this third edition of the African family business barometer, KPMG Private Enterprise has joined forces with the Nelson Mandela University Family Business Unit and the Africa CEO Forum to explore key issues facing family businesses across Africa. The purpose is to share perspectives of family businesses on a range of critical topics – including market confidence, growth, concerns as well as areas for investment.


This year we assess two important topics in the barometer, which are gaining great focus globally, Entrepreneurial orientation (EO) of African family businesses and the importance they place on Socioemotional wealth (SEW). Not only is SEW the most important differentiator between family and non-family businesses, it also has a positive influence on family business performance, especially in areas where social norms are considered important. Similarly, EO is important as it influences both the growth and performance of family businesses.


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