Optimising contact centres to enrich customer experience

Optimising contact centres

Customer satisfaction is always a priority for any business that wants to be successful. Exceptional and differentiated service is created when organisations adopt a customer centric perspective; by understanding the point of view of a customer and then designing the organisational processes, systems and the people to deliver that. A contact centre is an example of a customer strategy developed by organisations to interact with customers to gain competitive advantage. It serves as the primary touch point between organisations and their customers. These direct, two-way conversations are critical in delivering outstanding customer experience, retaining customers, improving the organisation’s brand image and even generating incremental revenue.

Optimising contact centres to enrich customer experience

Contact centres are classified based on the size and magnitude of a company’s operations e.g. virtual contact centres typically operated by people working from home, medium sized and large contact centres that cater to several clients, and also have expanded operations such as handling domestic and international calls. Other classifications are based on mode of communication. In this age of the internet, agents not only make or receive telephone calls but use online platforms such as real-time chats on company websites, or email communication. Generally, there is a shift in the nature of contacts adopted by contact centres as a means of communicating with the public i.e. use of social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter e.t.c. This trend can be seen with some of the big companies in Kenya with large customer base especially in telecommunication, banking and energy sectors. This is due to the increased number of people on social media platforms, making it necessary for communication. Despite the shift, the contact centre is still the preferred method of interaction for most complex customer interactions. A survey done by KPMG on top 10 customer interaction methods, revealed that 79% of the customers prefer phone conversation as a way to interact with contact centres.


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