As vehicles are connected to networks, the risk of cyber attacks is increasing. In response, the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) has established UNR 155, which requests OEMs and suppliers to build a vehicle CSMS (Cyber Security Management System)

Furthermore, there is a growing need to strengthen plant security to prevent the production of vehicles from being disrupted by cyber attacks, and to strengthen governance and security to properly handle vehicle data, including personal data acquired from vehicles.

Additionally, in order to prevent the leakage of information and components provided by OEMs to suppliers due to cyber attacks, Germany's VDA (Automotive Industry Association) has established a security certification scheme called TISAX (Trusted Information Security Assessment Exchange).

KPMG helps automobile-related companies address cybersecurity challenges in three areas: IT/Office Automation (OA), Vehicles/Products, and Factory Automation (FA).

Of the three areas, in particular vehicle/products requires an understanding of automotive technology, so we have partnered with ETAS, a subsidiary of Germany's Bosch and a supplier of in-vehicle equipment, since 2019. ETAS and KPMG, which has a proven track record in the security of IT/OA and factory/FA environments, will work together to provide comprehensive support.

Automotive Cybersecurity Services

This section introduces the services provided by KPMG and ETAS, and the services provided in cooperation.
Please feel free to contact us.

automotive cyber security

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