Yuichiro Suzuki


KPMG Consulting Co., Ltd.

Yuichiro Suzuki worked in a financial institution before joining KPMG Consulting in 2021. He was responsible for account management at major financial institutions and managed diverse sections including formulation of business strategies, IT strategies, purposes, and organizational and human resources strategies, sophistication of crisis management, operational process reform, and digital transformation (DX). He is currently engaged in various problem-solving projects spanning formulation of future risk scenarios in IT business, formulation of downsizing strategies in inefficient businesses, sophistication of cyber security, groupwide DX, restructuring of corporate philosophy, sophistication of overseas financial governance, sophistication of business continuity plan management, training of officers and managers, etc.

Responsible domain: Formulation of business strategies, IT strategies, purposes, and organizational and human resources strategies, sophistication of crisis management, operational process reform, digital transformation, and account management

  • Advisory
  • Financial Services
  • Management Consulting