Ryuichi Okabe


KPMG Consulting Co., Ltd.

Engaged in consulting services for the application, expansion, and establishment of industry-specific technologies in the Technology Transformation Unit. As an industry, he is in charge of public sector, social infrastructure, electric power, telecommunications, media, high-tech industry, retail and distribution. With the mission of formulating IT / digital strategies from business models in each industry, he leads each engagement of definition of system / business requirements and project management in implementation and deployment of technologies such as information systems. Recently, he has been working on a required direction/definition for human resources skills and system development blueprint in digital organizations. As for his career, he has a consistent background in IT / digital strategy and its execution in comprehensive consulting firms, strategic firms, and major IT vendors.

Responsible domain: In charge of formulation of IT and digital strategies based on business models in the public sector, social infrastructure, electric power, telecommunications, media, high-tech industries, and retail and distribution / construction of required human resource skills and system development blueprint for digital organizations.

  • Advisory
  • Management Consulting