Manabu Katsumura


KPMG Consulting Co., Ltd.

Manabu Katsumura joined KPMG Consulting after working at an audit firm, where he provided support for operational processes and improvement, IT risk advisory, etc., and new business development. Currently, he supervises services related to data regulations and privacy. He supports global companies in the development of data protection governance, introduction of information security and privacy risk management processes for products and services, compliance with overseas personal data protection laws and other data-related regulations, development of information management system for groupwide data use and DX, development of cross-border data transfer schemes for cross-border businesses and IT system rollout, emergency response to personal or confidential information incidents, etc. He works primarily on responding to the risks related to technology and data and is experienced in leading numerous projects in a variety of industries.

Responsible domain: Data protection; personal information protection and privacy; cyber security regulations; economic security and data supply-chain risk; AI and technology risk; digital compliance

  • Advisory
  • Risk Consulting