Toyosuke Fukushima

Head of Digital Transformation, Partner

KPMG Consulting Co., Ltd.

After working at a foreign-affiliated comprehensive consulting firm and a foreign-affiliated accounting consulting firm, he is in his current position. In recent years, he has mainly led digital transformation. He advocates Intelligent Automation and is leading the implementation support of the latest technology that contributes to DX concept planning, digital maturity diagnosis, DX promotion organization and change management execution support, implementation support and business automation, and slimming of management department for major companies across a wide range of industries. For over 20 years, he has provided a wide range of services from project planning, proposals to delivery to clients in various industries, mainly focusing on supply chain innovation and cost optimization. Based on his abundant project experience, he co-authored "RPA Implementation Guide" and "Strong Procurement” and has given many contributions and seminar lectures.

Responsible domain: Support for DX promotion, business automation, business reform using technology, and intelligent automation for corporate departments focusing middle and back offices

  • Advisory
  • Management Consulting
  • “A Guide to Implementing RPA”, Chuokeizai-sha (2019)