Phase 3: Implement
Phase 3: Implement
Designing a strategy for a sustainable business model is one thing, making it happen is another. An organization needs a number of fundamentals in place in order to implement the strategy effectively. These fundamentals include ensuring that the organization has the capacity and capability to achieve its goals, that the right technologies and processes are in place and that people are aware, committed and incentivized.
KPMG professionals can help your organization to:
- review core processes across all functions, and identify and implement changes required
- design and implement new IT systems
- identify training needs, and develop and deliver training programs for employees and suppliers
- engage and incentivize employees to achieve sustainable business targets
- ensure compliance with mandatory regulations and voluntary frameworks such as sectoral codes of conduct and UN principles
- review governance frameworks within your organization to ensure engagement and accountability
- capture green tax incentives and credits that enhance the return on investments
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