Make the difference hub › Arnold Niranjan

“Working on projects that will make measurable impact to clients in the Caribbean and create true value, that is exciting! This is what we do.”

Arnold Niranjan talks to us about the complexity and excitement of helping clients execute digital transformation.

Please describe your role at KPMG and the kind of work you do.

I am an Advisory partner leading Enterprise Risk and Transformation for KPMG in Caricom, and my role is to lead a team of experienced and motivated professionals who share a relentless focus on helping our clients to solve their business challenges. The work we do on the risk side looks at helping client understand, manage, report on and to the degree desired and possible mitigate business risk management. Our transformation business is focussed on helping clients achieve their vision for sustainable change by designing, developing, and deploying solutions These solutions involve changes to all areas of the clients operating model including their people, processes, and technology. 

Change is constant, how does KPMG work with clients to manage transformation while their business never stops?

Transformation is both complex and continual. Managing a change program efficiently and effectively, while attending to critical business as usual, requires clear strategic direction and robust project management, as well as the agility to adapt an element of the program to align better with where the organization is at any point in time. The business does not stop to wait for transformation to happen or dedicate all its resources to achieving the change within a fixed timeframe. Our teams work shoulder to shoulder with clients on visualising and building their desired future states, whilst they balance their current day-to-day responsibilities. Operationally, clients can be focussed on the existing process, transformation requires seeing the entire value change so that they can evolve new more efficient processes to achieve improved outcomes. In a sense we help them see “the forest from the trees”. This is easier said than done and our teams are there, invested in our clients’ transformation journeys and outcomes. 

As part of the global KPMG network, we are able to draw on experiences and examples of others who have taken similar transformation journeys and make use of the lessons learned. We also have a global approach and methodology for transformation, which means our teams are equipped with the skills, tools, and insights they need to guide and deliver value to our clients.

What makes the difference in bringing about large-scale, lasting business transformation?

Achieving large-scale, lasting business transformation requires a holistic approach that encompasses strategy, culture, leadership, technology, and a commitment to continuous improvement. It is a journey that demands a deep understanding of the organization's current state, a clear vision of the desired future state, and the resilience and agility to navigate the challenges along the way. Our teams are outcome focused and never lose sight of the people who will ultimately make a transformation successful. Of course, the right technology solution is critical, there isn’t one size that fits all, and as a firm, KPMG has experience implementing a wide range of technology solutions and have several strategic alliances that make the process of implementing technology-enabled transformation seamless. 

What excites you most about leading the business transformation team at KPMG Caricom?

Leading business transformation is both exciting and challenging. I enjoy the complexity and teaming with our people across Caricom and our global KPMG network to find solutions that create the difference for our clients.  We are currently working on projects that will make measurable impact to clients in the Caribbean and create true value, that is exciting! This is what we do. 

It’s an imperative for organizations in the Caribbean to embrace digital transformation, what’s your assessment of progress in the region?

Across the Caribbean, countries are at various stages in their digital transformation journeys - some countries have made significant progress in adopting digital technologies, while others are still in relatively early stages. As a region, there is still a lot of progress to be made to keep pace with more developed regions of the world, and factors such as infrastructure, economic resources, and government initiatives will determine the speed at which a country develops digitally. There are some good initiatives in the Eastern Caribbean that have been backed by international financial institutions, which aim to support governments in in the Eastern Caribbean to provide accessible and resilient digital services to their citizens and businesses. My view is that most, if not all, governments in the region see digital transformation as a key pillar of economic and social development and this will continue to be an area of focus for them.