Indirect Taxes includes VAT, Customs, Excise, CBAM, MOT, PBT, etc, all of which raise complex issues for many businesses, whether trading internationally or domestically.

How we can help

High-value transactions

Expert guidance on VAT treatment for high-value transactions, including property and M&A deals.

VAT audits

Assistance with Revenue VAT audits, including eAudit reviews, intervention checks, and profile visits, along with compliance support checks.

Tax risk management

Comprehensive support for managing Indirect Tax risk, including process and technology reviews, encompassing Customs, Excise, and CBAM considerations.

Irish & global VAT compliance

Seamless VAT compliance services in Ireland & globally, covering VAT registration, returns, cross-border VAT reclaims, Customs, Excise, and CBAM.

Governance excellence

Strategic advice on best-in-class Indirect Tax Governance frameworks with an integrated focus on Customs, Excise, and CBAM.

Customised training

Tailored training programs for your team responsible for internal VAT, Customs, Excise, and CBAM management.


We have one of the largest Indirect Tax teams in the country, comprising more than 60 professionals located across our Dublin, Belfast, Cork and Galway offices. The team advises clients in many industry sectors, including Financial Services, Life Sciences, Technology, Aviation, property, and e-Commerce to name a few.

Our team is an integral part of the extensive international network of KPMG Indirect Tax professionals, spanning jurisdictions where VAT, Customs, Excise or similar indirect taxes may be an issue.

Queries? Contact our Indirect Tax team

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