KPMG Corporate Finance have acted as the lead sell/buy side advisor on the largest and most recent deals involving Irish performing loan (“PL”) and non-performing loan (“NPL”) portfolios.
As such, in providing robust and commercial opinions, KPMG Valuation specialists are able to draw upon the deal expertise of the wider KPMG Corporate Finance team in the pricing and valuation of PL and NPL portfolios.
The valuation process undertaken by our Valuation specialists typically consists of:
- Understanding the data tape and identifying any gaps in information
- Establishing which strategy is best applied to each loan based on key performance indicators for the loan, on a connection-by-connection basis
- Applying valuation inputs / assumptions, exit costs and other fees based on behavioural repayment profiles, our in depth valuations of prior transactions and our understanding of buyers' financial requirements and structuring
- Valuing the portfolio using a discounted cash flow model tailored to the subject portfolio
We have deep expertise in providing PL and NPL valuations given our involvement as advisors on the largest deals in the Irish market. Our valuation experts would be delighted to hear from you.
Contact our experts
For guidance on any aspect of loan valuations, please contact our team below. We'd be delighted to hear from you.